
when it's wednesday...

Today, I woke up chipper. I was doin' okay. I woke up on the right side of the bed... Or so I thought. The first thing I do every morning is peel back my curtain and say goodmorning to the lovely industrial parking lot view from my bedroom window. Well, maybe I should've postponed that move, although that would hardly help. I had to deal with what I saw eventually:
Snow. Lots of it. Far too much of it. And I instantaneously lost my mind. I almost wept. But I held it together as much as one could. A few impolite cuss words were spouted for the next 45 minutes as I got ready for work. A good many growls were also uttered throughout my day.
To be or to not be [a grump]? That is the question. I am fully aware of that one awfully painful decision. That sticky one. The one which determines the rest of your day...supposedly. I know it's a choice, it really is. But on a blusterly un-spring-like day such as this one, I am so very likely to give in to that deep, utterly strong desire to be a grump... And I did it with ease. I mastered the grumpiness. But, being a nanny and all, I must stay relatively composed and kind and gentle. And so I did! I managed to get through my day--somewhat forced to be a decent human being. And towards the end of my work day, beginning in the late afternoon, I was astonished to notice a very great change in my mood. I was rather jolly!
And then I thought, I need to do something or make something or learn something. I felt couped up. Due to the [STTUUUUPIIDDD] weather, I was unable to sweat out my forecast frustration at the gym.
SO what I'm actually trying to get at here, is that a) I survived today despite my severe disappointment and anger, b) The sun is supposed to shine plenty for the rest of the week, hopefully melting up the cold, white spew that is the snow, and finally c) I took some pictures, and here they are:



  1. Janna, I love how you find beauty in the midst of the everyday details of life. Must be the artist in you.

  2. ooh, & I love how my comment comes up in a lovely cursive script!!! Fun!

  3. * l o v e *

    .....these are good photos...really. They make me want to know more, and they make me wonder...
    and the colours make me smile.
