

man oh man.
it's been ridiculously long since i've written. my apologies to those who are interested in my semi-melancholic life!
i've been up and i've been down, and i've been all around. i have a temporary full time job now... i'm not quite sure how long it will last. the hardware store in town is doing renovations and such, and needed people to help out. alas, i was given an oppurtunity. i am so thankful for that. and God knows better than i do what i need. i feel like it was His provision, and also the fact that it's temporary gives me room to breathe. i didn't realize how hard it is to get back into the "swing" of things...life, jobs, busy-ness... i know one thing though--i don't want to get busy. i really don't. i've realized already, with only working two weeks so far, how distracted i am getting...spending a lot less time with Jesus, and a lot more time doing other things. today i went to church and it was just so so good to worship with other people, to be taught from someone. but sadly, when i'm not provided with "spiritual food" from others, i have been miserably failing at seeking it out on my own. the past two weeks have been full--yet unfulfilling. at night i lie in bed thinking over things, my day, my life... and i feel so sad, because i miss Jesus. i'm choking up just thinking about the emotions i feel when i'm in this place--this longing to just spend time with Him.

today i've been refreshed and revived. i feel like i'm realizing the distractions around me, realizing how easy it is to get soaked up in this chaotic culture. everything is so fast paced. i just want to be still..and know that He is God.

today while i was walking to church i had this random thought: 'i bet God smells really good'... which makes sense, right!??! He is all around perfect. He fills our senses with His majesty. He gave us the ability to smell...He's got to be the absolute fragrance. then, over the course of my day, all these things regarding fragrance kept coming up...like, for instance...in church today we sang that song ' are the songs of the saints like sweet smelling incense... '. this morning i just felt so enveloped inside of His arms... and there were just so many other little details like that... i don't know...i guess maybe God is showing me His sweet fragrance.. i love that.

there's so much more to tell, i just don't even know how.
one thing is certain. i need to keep up my blogging. i find it rather therapeutic. ;)

that's all for now.



  1. ....your blog is a sweet smelling fragrance...God is smiling.

  2. every so often I will "smell" his presence for real! I LOVE when it happens.

    I agree you need to keep blogging even if it's just for ME xx
