Look at our culture. It's all about 'me'. It's all about feelings; About comfort, convenience. 'What can I get out of this?' 'What's in it for me?'. Bumper stickers reading ' It's all about me' flood the freeways, billboards with self-worship slogans are lining the city streets.
Whether it's the beginning of a new job, the early stages of a romantic relationship, or anything, really, in the early and exciting chapter of a fresh start... If things are exciting and new, things are great.
But what about the mundane? What about the seemingly boring day to day living that all of us must endure? Each moment can't possibly be exciting. Life can't possibly be about what feels good, what looks good, what serves me better...
The same can be said for a relationship with God. He's God. He's big. He's able to do all things -- anything. He's the Creator of the entire Universe, and yet He chooses to love me. That's a big deal. The beginning of a relationship with the Lord is filled with new experiences. An encounter with Him is almost otherworldly. It's like nothing else on the face of this Earth and it's the most exciting thing there is.
But like anything in life, there's the moment when the fireworks stop. When, even just for a time or a season, the warm-fuzzies go away, the feeling of amazement, the butterflies, the emotion, the mountainous high, it fades.
When there's silence, stillness, when there aren't any goosebumps or tears involved in worshipping, when there isn't the desire or impulse to get up and dance, when there's no jittery shakes or warm tingling down the spine. When there's no miraculous healings, or shouts for joy, are we still faithful to worship? When, instead of feeling happy, content, blessed, encouraged, we feel dead, tired, discouraged...when it seems more like sacrifice then revival, when it seems more like work than a life-giving, life-altering encounter with the living God... are we still faithful to proclaim His goodness and His glory?
...not because we feel like He's worthy, but because He simply is. Forever.
I'm not saying a relationship with the Lord is the same as a marriage relationship, but it can often be used to paint a picture of the phases of love.
I'm unmarried, but I am blessed to be surrounded by marriages that are healthy, aged in wisdom and grace, and speak faithfulness to a world and culture that promote otherwise. Through conversation and observation, I have learned that love is more about action than anything else. It's not about how it feels. The "fireworks" of a relationship are the perks, not the foundation. The happy feelings, the excitement, the passion, there's plenty of those things dappled in a forever relationship. But they aren't there everyday.
The same is with the Lord. It's about action. It's about a foundation of faithfulness. We love Him because He first loved us, and demonstrates to us ,the unwavering, solidity of character, principle, pursuit.
Are we willing to surrender our hearts and say Lord, you are worthy of all my praise, you are worthy of all corners of my life, it's not about me, it's about YOU, even when the feelings aren't there?
Sometimes, we need to tell our feelings where to go...
Like David did.
It's okay to be honest about where we're at. Feelings are legitimate things given to us for a reason. But like anything, they can be overpowering, and need to be put into perspective. This is something I struggle to do, but I am learning a bit more everyday.
He is worthy because He is worthy because He is worthy. Our feelings are petty and ever-changing but the truth of who God is never fails.